Limit distractions.
Enjoy what matters.

JOMO is a free & open source browser extension that makes websites less addictive.

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Illustration of JOMO Extension in limited mode on YouTube Illustration of JOMO Extension in limited mode on YouTube Illustration of JOMO Extension in limited mode on YouTube

Choose your digital experience

Social media is designed to be addictive. JOMO lets you remove the addictive behaviors you want.

Limit algorithmic recommendations

Recommendation algorithms show you infinite options that you’ll probably like. Put a limit or hide them completely.

Illustration of JOMO Extension in limited mode on YouTube Illustration of JOMO Extension in limited mode on YouTube

Hide metrics

Metrics affect how we perceive content online and also put pressure on ourselves when we compare with others. With JOMO now you can hide them.

Illustration of JOMO Extension in limited mode on YouTube Illustration of JOMO Extension in limited mode on YouTube

Remove distracting elements

All the elements on a page affect our experience. Now you can remove the distracting ones.

Illustration of JOMO Extension in limited mode on YouTube

Frequently asked questions

Is the JOMO extension 100% free?
Yes, JOMO is totally free and Open Source. We believe in a better future where design respects users.
What websites does it support?
As for now it works in YouTube and Twitter. We are working on supporting other social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and also other pages with addictive patterns like Netflix, Amazon and more.
Do you share my data?
JOMO has no ads, no analytics, no trackers, no cookies, and does not send or receive personal informaion of any kind from your device. The code is Open Source so you can check it on GitHub. Your privacy and the security is very important for us.
What is the story behind the project?
JOMO is made by Santi Cros and it started as a Final Degree Project. Learn more about the idea, research and development on the blog.

Start controlling your digital experience

Add the free browser extension and choose the addictive design patterns you want to remove.

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